Youth Exchange program on SRH

Objective:To strengthen partnerships and enhance youth access to life skills-based SRHR education and services.Implementation:The project focused on integrating SRHR activities into existing YMCA programs while equipping youth volunteers and leaders with essential SRHR knowledge and skills to improve access for adolescents and young people.Outcomes:Outcome 1: SRHR activities were successfully integrated into YMCA Ethiopia’s core program activities, ensuring that SRHR education and services were consistently offered as part of broader youth development initiatives.Outcome 2: Youth volunteers and leaders gained critical SRHR education and skills, enabling them to advocate for SRHR and provide support to adolescents and youth, thereby increasing access to SRHR services and information within their communities

Break free

Objective:To empower adolescents and young people to make informed, free choices about their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and to take control over their SRH and life decisions.Implementation:This project focused on creating safe spaces for youth advocacy, involving them in monitoring SRHR services, and providing them with digital platforms to access and share critical information on SRHR.Outputs:Output 1: Established community Youth Hubs where adolescents and young people could come together to advocate for youth-friendly SRHR policies, programs, and services. These hubs provided a platform for youth to voice their needs and influence the delivery of SRHR services in their communities.Output 2: Conducted semi-annual social audits of SRHR services and community mobilization (CM) efforts using the Community Scorecard method. Data was collected by Youth Hubsters, enabling youth to assess and provide feedback on the quality of SRHR services, leading to continuous improvement.Output 3: Developed and disseminated online content on SRHR through the YouthWyze Platform, enhancing awareness and demand creation among young people. This platform served as a dynamic tool for reaching and educating youth about their SRHR rights and available services.