Life skill based SRH

Objective:To integrate life skills-based youth development programs with a focus on health promotion, addressing key issues such as sexual and reproductive health (SRH), mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, and promoting meaningful youth engagement.Implementation:The project engaged young people by providing training, awareness campaigns, and physical fitness opportunities, while strengthening YMCA’s operational capacity to effectively deliver health and development services.Outputs:Output 1: Trained 35 peer educators on sexual and reproductive health (SRH), youth mental health, and the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse. These educators were equipped to cascade their knowledge and engage in meaningful youth outreach and education.Output 2: Improved the health-seeking skills and behavior of 1,050 young people through targeted programs and activities focused on promoting healthy habits.Output 3: Conducted a mass awareness campaign that reached 10,500 young people, raising awareness about SRH, and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse, empowering them to make informed decisions.Output 4: Engaged 2,000 children, youth, and adults in physical fitness activities, including mass sports and both indoor and outdoor sports, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.Output 5: Strengthened YMCA’s governance, program, and operational capacity, improving its ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate programs effectively. This also included enhancing the administrative capacity of YMCA Ethiopia to deliver quality results.
Youth Exchange program on SRH

Objective:To strengthen partnerships and enhance youth access to life skills-based SRHR education and services.Implementation:The project focused on integrating SRHR activities into existing YMCA programs while equipping youth volunteers and leaders with essential SRHR knowledge and skills to improve access for adolescents and young people.Outcomes:Outcome 1: SRHR activities were successfully integrated into YMCA Ethiopia’s core program activities, ensuring that SRHR education and services were consistently offered as part of broader youth development initiatives.Outcome 2: Youth volunteers and leaders gained critical SRHR education and skills, enabling them to advocate for SRHR and provide support to adolescents and youth, thereby increasing access to SRHR services and information within their communities